1 Jul 2019 If you want, you can just download jQuery, put it on your server and link to it from These days, WordPress automatically loads jQuery for you, whenever would be two copies/versions of jQuery loaded on the page (yours and WP's). Put the following code in your header.php file in the
section:19 May 2013 Download using Javascript, Iframe and PHP. Create a Link :
1 Jul 2019 If you want, you can just download jQuery, put it on your server and link to it from These days, WordPress automatically loads jQuery for you, whenever would be two copies/versions of jQuery loaded on the page (yours and WP's). Put the following code in your header.php file in the
section: Download · Launch There are two ways to include a JavaScript file using the Joomla! window. Always make sure your extension or custom override load the dependencies you need before the template does While Laravel does not dictate which JavaScript or CSS pre-processors you use, This app.scss file imports a file of SASS variables and loads Bootstrap, which Or, you may run the npm run watch command to monitor and automatically 19 May 2013 Download using Javascript, Iframe and PHP. Create a Link :